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Участник:Bulwersator/Echo/Images/Musical artists


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This is a list of suggested images for articles about musical_artists without image in infobox. This list is generated by a bot, based on data from plwiki and interwiki connections so it can contains errors due to incorrect image in plwiki or bad interwiki. Complaints, requests for list regeneration, bug reports (especially about suggestion for pages with image in infobox and grammar errors in this message) Bulwersator 12:23, 25 августа 2012 (UTC)

How to use it

Check article

  • There is an image in article, but not in infobox - move existing image to infobox or add new, suggested
  • Check image - is it correct?
    • yes - add image to infobox (it may be a good idea to mention User:Bulwersator/Echo/Images in your edit summary)
    • no - report problem (like wrong image) or remove image from plwiki (remember about edit summary)
  • It is not necessary to edit this page - bot will discard edits during updating. Message me about problems or with prepared translation of intructions.

Намлук, Пит

(edit) #pl:Pete_Namlook:Namlook-FAX-Logo.jpg

, ru:Намлук, Пит:

Макалпин, Тони

(edit) #pl:Tony_MacAlpine:Steve_Vai_and_the_band_(Milano,_2005)2.jpg

, ru:Макалпин, Тони:

Болан, Марк

(edit) #pl:Marc_Bolan:Bolan Bust.jpg

, ru:Болан, Марк:

Элиот, Мисси

(edit) #pl:Missy_Elliott:MissyElliot 2010flickr.jpg

, ru:Элиот, Мисси:

Данилко, Андрей Михайлович

(edit) #pl:Wierka_Serdiuczka:Verka Serduchka ESC 2007.JPG

, ru:Данилко, Андрей Михайлович:


(edit) #pl:Diam's:Diams-saut-elastique1.jpg

, ru:Diam's:

Хорошев, Игорь Петрович

(edit) #pl:Igor_Choroszew:Igor Khoroshev.JPG

, ru:Хорошев, Игорь Петрович:

Хоудс, Арт

(edit) #pl:Art_Hodes:Art Hodes, Henry Allen, Pete Johnson, Lou McGarity, and Lester Young, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., ca. 1940 (William P. Gottlieb 03601).jpg

, ru:Хоудс, Арт:

Участник:Bulwersator/Echo/Images/Musical artists.

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